What are Dofollow and Nofollow Links? What is the difference between these two?

What are Dofollow and Nofollow Links? What is the difference between these two?

Everyone who starts blogging thinks about SEO after posting a few articles. Now even though there are many types of SEO, most people just focus more on Backlinks. Even today, many new bloggers make backlinks in comments by searching the website on Google. In the process, they meet with Dofollow and Nofollow links. As a blogger you need to know the links of these two types.

If you too have just started your blogging career and you are learning about Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Link Building then you need to know about Dofollow and Nofollow links.
Before doing SEO of any website, there are some things to keep in mind. Suppose you started a new blog, you gave this information to your friends via Facebook and WhatsApp, but how will Google know that there is any such website on the Internet?

So first of all you need to generate an XML Sitemap of your website and submit it to Google. For your information, let us know that the XML Sitemap contains links to all pages and posts in your blog You can easily generate it with Yoast Seo plugin. When you submit an XML Sitemap to Google Webmaster Tools, Google bots will come to your website, crawl your pages, and Google will index them in their database.

After that, whenever a user searches Google for anything related to your website and the posts contained in it, Google will show your website or blog from its database.
What is Dofollow and Nofollow links?
Whenever a website gives a link to your website on any of its articles or pages, the search engine bots follow that link. This gives your website a Link Juice. It also improves the ranking and domain authority of the website.

By default all links are dofollow and search engine bots can follow them along with humans. You also get a backlink as a doofollow link. Example of Dofollow link:

<a href="https://www.technology-tutsonline.com"> Technology Tuts Online </a>
Nofollow links do not follow search engine bots. Only humans can follow them. Although Nofollow links do not have any particular benefit to your article or website, it is important to have both links on your website on a regular basis. To make any link a nofollow, rel = "nofollow" is added to it. Nofollow link example:

<a href="https://www.technology-tutsonline.com" rel="nofollow"> Technology Tuts Online </a>

Is there a link Dofollow or NoFollow?

If you have a website open in the browser and you want to check a link, right-click on it and select Inspect element. This will open the HTML code of that website in a window below. If that link is nofollow, you will see rel = nofollow along with the link. Dofollow link does not contain rel tag.
If you want to nofollow all external links to a page, use meta robots in the page's header like this.

<meta name = "robots" content = "nofollow">

This will not follow the links on the search engine bots page. If you use Yoast Seo Plugin, you will also find the option below the post.
If another website has nofollow the links on this article from this process, you cannot detect this thing by inspecting the link. In this case you have to right-click on that webpage and choose "View page source" in the options. After that the source code of the website will be opened in the second tab. There you can press CTRL + F and search for "robots". You will find the meta tag mentioned above in the header of that website.

When and where should Dofollow and Nofollow links be used?


  • If you know that the website you are linking to is a High-Quality Authoritative Website.
  • Websites with High Domain Authority.
  • If you have copied content from someone's website then to mention the source.
  • To link Same Niche's blogs.


  • To link unrelated content. Suppose your website is on Health and you want to give a link to Fashion website.
  • If for some reason you have to link to a low-quality web site like Betting, Gambling, etc.
  • In the Comment section.


I hope you liked this article and if you have any questions related to Dofollow and Nofollow links in your mind, you will get answers to them. If you still have any questions or suggestions in your mind, then please comment below. Likewise we have stayed on We Are Hindi to learn things related to WordPress, Blogging, SEO and Technology.
What are Dofollow and Nofollow Links? What is the difference between these two? What are Dofollow and Nofollow Links? What is the difference between these two? Reviewed by Tech Boy on September 03, 2019 Rating: 5

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