What is SAR Value and how to check it?

What is SAR Value and how to check it?

Smartphone usage has increased significantly over time. Today everyone has a better mobile phone. The smartphone has made our lives quite easy, but it has also led to many problems. If you use mobile phones too much, then you need to know what SAR Value is and how to check it.

When calling, SMS or internet access on the mobile phone, the antenna is sent through Electromagnetic Waves. This Signal never reaches 100% goal. That is, if your mobile phone has sent 100% Signal then only 75-80% of these will be able to reach their target, the rest of the Signal will spread in the surrounding environment. This happens not just when sending Signal, but also when receiving Signal.

Mobile Radition is the only ray emitted from all the smartphones. Now you can directly estimate the amount of radiation that will come out of your mobile phone. I mean if you reduce the use of mobile phones then the amount of radiation will be less and more then the amount of radiation will be higher.

SAR means Specific Absorption Rate. This value describes how much radio frequency (mobile radiation) our body can absorb. It is measured on Watt Per Kilogram (W / Kg). In India, USA and all other countries, the FCC (Federal Communications Commission) has set the standard SAR value 1.6W / Kg and 2.0W / Kg in Europe. 

As you can tell, in India, USA, etc. this standard value has been set keeping in mind 1g real tissue and 10g real tissue in Europe.

SAR Value is different for most head and body, because when talking on mobile phones, the closest one is your head. If your mobile phone's SAR value is 1.6W / Kg, that means your body can absorb radiation of 1.6 Watt power per kilogram of tissue.

The lower the SAR Value of your feature phone or smartphone, the less harmful it is to your body. All mobile phone manufacturers must adhere to the Radiofrequency (RF) exposure standard set by the FCC. If the SAR value of a mobile phone exceeds 1.6W / Kg, then the company will not be allowed to sell the phone in the market.

How to check SAR Value?

Information about SAR Value is often provided only on the box of the mobile phone. It is mandatory for all mobile phone manufacturers to give SAR details on the box as per the government's directive.
If the box on your mobile phone is not available, you can get information about SAR Value by dialing * # 07 #.
Although this code is valid for almost all mobile phones, but if your phone is too old then this code does not work, you can go to Google and enter your mobile phone model and get SAR Value information.

How is SAR Testing done?

SAR Testing is performed on standard models made like human head and body. These models are filled with liquid which shows the radiofrequency absorption powers of individual human tissue. 
During SAR testing, the mobile phone is tested at the highest power level and at all frequencies. With this, the value of the electric field is noted by robotic probe by placing it at different parts of the head and body.

All these data are submitted as equipment approval test report for final approval. After this, the final report is fired by matching the highest SAR value of each frequency to the FCC standard.

What is the effect of RF Radiation on our body?

If you use a mobile phone only when needed or to use the internet for a limited time, you do not have to worry about SAR Value and radiation. Today, smartphone has become an important part of our lives, and it is impossible to completely avoid it. The lower your phone's SAR Value, the better for your health.

The most common side effects of RF Radiation are on children, old and pregnant women. At this age and condition, their body absorbs the most radiation.
According to the news, by staying in the radiation for a long time, our body can have many kinds of troubles and illnesses such as fatigue, headaches, lack of sleep, digestive disturbances, poor memory, etc. However, scientists are still researching these things.
According to some doctors, RF radiation is so dangerous to our body that prolonged absorption can lead to diseases like brain tumor and cancer.

Some Ways to Avoid Radiation

A wise person has said that caution is good with cure. So if you take care of some things, you can save yourself and your family a great deal from mobile radiation.

The best way to protect your body from radiation is to keep the mobile phone away from the body. Use Loudspeaker or Wired Earphone or Headphone as much as possible. Remember to use the Bluetooth headset only when needed.
If you are in Lift, Garage, Train or any place where network strength is low, do not use mobile phone. 
In such times, your phone is in high performing mode and the intensity of radiation increases as you try to get more signal.
Many people have the habit of sleeping by putting an alarm on a mobile phone and they sleep with their phone under the pillow. Doing so for long periods of time can prove to be detrimental to your health. In such a situation you should put your phone in Aeroplane mode, and if for some reason you cannot do so, keep the mobile away from yourself and sleep.
I hope you understand what the SAR Value is and how all the information given in this check is understood. Mobile phones have been invented to solve our problems, but if you do not use it properly, it can create problems for us. If you have any questions or suggestions, please comment below and don't forget to reach out to others by sharing this information.
What is SAR Value and how to check it? What is SAR Value and how to check it? Reviewed by Tech Boy on September 03, 2019 Rating: 5

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