How to reduce loading time of your blog? - Wordpress Blog Series - 1

How to reduce the loading time of your blog?

Today I am going to answer a question that is often asked by many of our readers.
Today we are going to discuss in detail how you can minimize the loading time of your WordPress blog or website. Before we know in this post how you can reduce the loading time, first of all, you should know the reason behind reducing the loading time of your blog.

Why is it necessary to have a minimum loading time?

Loading time will eat up the particular time when a user enters your URL in the browser and press enter and after that how long after that your blog is completely loaded.

Now there are two broad factors affecting loading time, one internal factor and one external factor.

Internal factors that are associated with the person whose blog is. Such as DNS response time, server response time, caching, etc.

External Factors are associated with your visitor. Such as the user's Internet connectivity speed.

Now our emphasis will be on external factors, otherwise, we try to make the maximum loading time of our blog as much as possible by making maximum configurations with internal factors.

Loading time matters more than the SEO point of view because all search engines consider loading time as an important factor in ranking. Sites that have very short loading times rank higher in search engine results.

So today I will tell you only about 5 methods which you will need to follow.

Before implementing these methods, I would suggest that you first check the loading time of your blog. If you do not know how you can check the loading time of your blog according to the global standard, then you read our article below:
Now after implementing all the methods given below, do the test again and see the difference.

Methods to reduce the loading speed of WordPress website or Blog

1. Correct choice of DNS Provider and Web Hosting

You should choose a domain name provider whose DNS (Domain Name Server) response time is very short. Because of the domain name will take so much time to be the point on the IP address of your site, then you should leave the thought of improving the speed of other things. This time is better than 100 ms (mili seconds - one-tenth of a second).

After this, your domain name points to your web hosting. Your web hosting or say that the response time of the server should also be less than 200 ms.

If you want DNS response time and server response time at least, then you have to choose a good domain name provider and a good web hosting provider.

2. Choose the correct Theme and Plugins

Choosing the right theme also means a lot to increase the loading speed of your blog. You should choose a theme for your blog that takes least time to load.

If you ask me for advice on the theme, then the official twenty series themes of WordPress is good in terms of speed in free themes. Talking about premium themes, Genesis and Divi theme are my recommendations.

Secondly, you should also install plugins that do not take much time during their function. There are many plugins that do good work but greatly increase the loading time of your site. So you should also choose the plugins very well.

3. Image Compression

Do you know that images contribute more than 50% in increasing the loading time of any page of your blog? Visual elements like images and videos significantly reduce the speed of your blog. For this reason, you should compress and upload images in your blog.

But if you compress all the images one by one and then upload again, you will waste a lot of time. For this, I recommend a plugin.
How to reduce loading time of your blog? - Wordpress Blog Series - 1 How to reduce loading time of your blog? - Wordpress Blog Series - 1 Reviewed by Tech Boy on October 21, 2019 Rating: 5

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