Neumann & Muller Event Technology Held in Dubai

Neumann & Muller Event Technology Held in Dubai

Neumann & Muller Event Technology moved to its new offices and warehouse in Dubai Investments Park 1 in the last quarter of the year 2018. Acquiring these new campuses was a strategic move to better serve its customers that are spread around the region as it is central. Dubai and Abu Dhabi - located between two major event centers.

N&M Dubai General Manager Rick Wade explained, "We had demolished our 11-year-old home and it was important for us to respond to our customers' needs and integrate them keeping in mind the type of work that We do. Therefore, we have created an office space that enables our clients and our project teams to work together in a comfortable and creative environment Will do. "

The entire facility is nearly double the size of their rear. The office area is an open plan, which is great for informing everyone about what is going on in the company day by day. The meeting and conference rooms were purpose-built, so teams could work together on their latest projects and sit down with their clients and project partners to discuss strategic plans for their specific needs. The warehouse is also large enough to envisage projects to set up demos and mockups that their partners have conceptualized.

Rick said, “This step is part of the expansion plan that we keep in mind as we take this business to the next level. Our team has many new members, as well. One of them is Abigail Bates, our new technical project manager. She has lived in Dubai for the past seven years. We are very excited about these improvements and can't wait to accommodate more customers here. "

Along with growing the game in this industry, N&M responded with extensive upgrades to its existing technology, with the latest development and growth in its stock levels this summer for staff training. Along with the light fixtures, the biggest investment was the 1.8 mm LED screen - one of the highest resolution displays in the market - that takes presentations and video content to a high and dynamic level.
Neumann & Muller Event Technology Held in Dubai Neumann & Muller Event Technology Held in Dubai Reviewed by Tech Boy on September 05, 2019 Rating: 5

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